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This week on the Savory Road we headed to Snow-Line Orchard. Located high up in the hills of Oak Glen above Yucaipa, Snow-Line Orchards has been in existence for over 116 years. They produce over 36 varieties of apples, which they sell whole or as cider, applesauce, salsa, jams, pies and their specialty Apple Cider donuts. The Hudson’s have owned Snow-Line Orchard for over 35 years and they are the forth family to care after this historic orchard. Linda and Scott Hudson gave us a tour.
LISTEN to the Savory Road Segment
Snow-line Webpage
Snow-line Facebook
Oak Glen Ranches and Orchards
Address: 39400 Oak Glen Road., Yucaipa, CA 92399
Hours 9am-5pm, 7 days a week

Owners on Snow-Line Orchard, Linda and Scott Hudson.

The orchard started back in 1898 by Isaac Ford,

Snow-lines production buildings and store.

After the apples are picked they go through a size sorter

They are then inspected for any bruising

Then they are sorted by size

Smallest size

For cider they presses with the Apple press from the 20’s

The cider goes through a pasteurzing process

Apples and cider stored

Apples to buy in the store


Cinnamon Candy Apple Butter

Pepper sauce, Apple Cider Vinagar

Inside the store

Apple Cider Donuts

Pies anyone?

Scott giving us tastes of all the apples in season.

Great spot for a picnic

Our thanks to Linda and Scott for our tour