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This week we visit Three Sisters Farm in Redlands.  Jason and Abby, owners of this organic farm grow their produce in a traditional Native American way.  Called “Three Sisters” where the planting of corn, squash and beans, beneifcially coexist  and provide sustenance and well as lore and legend.  Sister corn grows up tall and straight while sister bean enriches the soil and strethches her vines up for support and sister squash provides cover over the bare ground with her canopy of large leaves.  They also have designed and built a straw bake home.   Their produce is sold through a local CSA.

Listen to the Savory Road Podcast




Jason and Abby Harned

Jason and Abby Harned

20 acre farm in Redland's  San Timoteo Canyon

20 acre farm in Redland’s San Timoteo Canyon

Jeff interviewing Abby in front of her straw bale house

Jeff interviewing Abby in front of her straw bale house

Bounty from the farm

Bounty from the farm






Eggplant, all organic produce


Crop of squash

Crop of squash

Harned children with their favorite chickens

Harned children with their favorite chickens

Getting ready for a new crop

Getting ready for a new crop

Inside the walls of their hay bake house

Inside the walls of their hay bake house
